May 2018 Wrap Up
May #WrapUp: May was a pretty decent reading month for me. I read a good variety of books and it’s quite satisfying now that I look back on the month. Here’s what I…
Review: The Perfect Find by Tia Williams
**This review contains spoilers*** I loved every bit of the story and it’s because the Piscean hopeless romantic in me eats these types of romance novels up. It’s also because as a single…
Review: Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower By Brittney Cooper
This books was EVERYTHING!! Do you hear me? Brittney Cooper was raw, comedic, on point and so relatable. She’s just brilliant. There’s no other way for me to describe it. I think everything…
Review: The Blood of Emmett Till by Timothy B. Tyson
Whew. This book was A LOT to take in but it was a story that has intrigued me for many years and I’m glad I finally read it. When I look at what…
Review: Whiskey & Ribbons by Leesa Cross Smith
“Women, you are sleek and gorgeous. You hold us together, you’re the ribbons. We’re men. Dangerous only if you take us too seriously. We’re the whiskey. To whiskey and ribbons,” This book has…
Embracing My Blackness
I know…..such an odd title but this has been a bit of a struggle for most of my life. No one is to blame. I had a great upbringing and wouldn’t change a…