Book Reviews,  What Renée Reads

Review: Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers Her Superpower By Brittney Cooper

This books was EVERYTHING!! Do you hear me? Brittney Cooper was raw, comedic, on point and so relatable. She’s just brilliant. There’s no other way for me to describe it.

I think everything that I’ve ever thought or wanted to say as it pertains to African Americans and especially women was addressed in her book. In the past, people often liked to place me in a box growing up because I spoke different, played a white sport, listened to different types of music and rocked long hair. It was an extremely tiring thing to hear about yourself over and over again. Glad Brittney talked about the box many of her fellow classmates put her in because I definitely could relate to this part of her book and so many others.

The most valuable take away was that it’s ok for me to feel how I feel in certain situations and be me. Own who I am (even if sometimes it seem stereotypical), especially with dating and our general battles with black men. She laid it all on the table and in the most eloquent way. Brittney has given us black women a voice and a strong one at that. I cannot wait to read it all again as I’m sure it will become even more valuable the more chances I let it soak in.

I rated this book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ and it will be another that I gift to all my sister friends and family. A must read for any black woman and heck, anyone that wants to truly understand black women.