Book Reviews,  What Renée Reads

Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

It’s taken me 34 years  exactly to catch on to the Harry Potter craze. Yes, you read that right. I’m reading the Harry Potter series for the very FIRST time! I have to say, book one has completely blown me away. I can see where all that hype around this series of books comes from. I couldn’t put the book down. I was supposed to be reading other assigned books over the weekend and did not pick them up once. This book consumed me. I even found myself squeezing in a few chapters at work periodically.

To be honest, I’m not quite certain I’ve had a book suck me in like this. And it’s possible that its because I wanted to get to the first movie too. I wanted to see the book come to life. I’m actually watching it as I type this and so far they’ve done a great job of bringing this book to life on film.

Harry Potter is such a unique mischievous little fella. He was the underdog in the story and always found himself in situations where the odds were stacked against him. From the mistreatment at home from his aunt, uncle and cousin to being the target of many at Hogwarts, Harry Potter was not meant to amount to anything in life. It was fun to follow HP and his new found life at Hogwarts. A place where he finally had friends that became more like a family and he was able to learn about his past and his diseased parents.

Overall I rated this book a 5 star. Cannot wait to read the sequels. One down and 6 to go!