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The World Is Your Oyster, Darling

I did a book chat on Monday with my buddy Jamie over at My Peace of Happy. And during that chat, she brought up a great idea that she had for her daughter. She is creating a book box of must reads for her daughter for when she goes off to college. How cool is that?

Because of this, my mind started to turn and I began to give it more thought. What would be some books that I would want for my daughter Tenley to read. I thought about books that were special to me, impacted me in some way or taught me great lessons in life and decided to create a list of 6 books I would include in her book box and the reasons why. Here’s what I came up with:

This book has changed my life in so many ways. Brittney gives life new mean and helps us as black women to embrace all that we are. Something I would like for my daughter to learn at an early age. This book is a black woman essential. You can read more of my thoughts on the book here.

I’m just getting started with this novel and it’s already changing me. I wish this book had been available to me at an earlier age. As black people, there is so much of our history that we NEED to know and this book is a great start. As a parent, I want my kids to be aware. Knowing what they could possibly be up against in the world is important to me.

My forever First Lady. Need I say more? As someone who read this book in her mid-thirties, it inspired me to go out and make my dreams happen. I was already planning to pursue my dreams full force in 2019 before reading her book, but this book was the confirmation and extra push I needed. Michelle is such a lady of class and what I feel is a great example (of many) for my daughter. I hope she will treasure this book as much as I have. Read my review here.

This was one of my earlier reads of 2018 and it blew me away. So many inspirational women have written pieces in this book and have inspired me with each of their stories. I enjoyed the pictures in the book as well. It’s a book that I will certainly revisit from time to time.

While I have not yet read this story yet, I plan to with the book club later this year. I’m told that this story is one that all should read. Through triumph, Maya learns to love herself and live freely despite all that has happened to her as a little girl. From the little I do know about Maya Angelou, I feel like this will be both an inspiring and life changing read.

There are so many more books that could be added to this list and I’m sure over the course of the next 11 years, it will grow and change over time. But it’s important for my daughter to know that the world is her oyster and that she can achieve anything she sets her heart out to do. I hope these books will be the added motivation and inspiration in her life. For those of you with daughters, what books would you gift them?