Review: Becoming by Michelle Obama
As I turned the last few pages just moments ago and the book came to an end, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed with inspiration and a deeper love for the former President and First Lady. I’ve always loved them, but Becoming seemed to take that love to new levels.
I found myself wrapped up in many emotions throughout. Crying, laughing and sometimes even explosive bits of anger. I too was a little girl that was told at an early age that I wasn’t college material so Michelle’s story really resonated with me. I loved seeing a more intimate look at her life as a daughter, sister, wife, mother and First Lady and to see that she felt the same way about many of the same political frustrations we carried for the past decade.
I loved learning about the ins and outs of the White House and how it functioned. How The Obama’s incorporated the many important people in their lives into the White House and how the dealt with changes both personally and politically. I loved that she didn’t hold back when speaking on the current state of politics and how displeased she is by many things that have occurred during and after her husbands presidency. I also loved that she addresses the many ridiculous rumors the circulated her family for years in such a tasteful way.
To see Michelle overcome the many obstacles in her path and achieve the impossible has inspired me to do more and be more in 2019. This was the perfect way to end my reading for 2018. The book deserves no less than a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ rating. Michelle and The Obama’s are everything I imagined them to be a so much more.