Review: Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
This book had been on my list of reads for a long while now. I’ve seen the movie many a times but I had never actually read the book. After reading many reviews, I wasn’t quite sure how I’d like it, however…I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
I think I enjoyed this simply because I could relate to Elizabeth Gilbert in ways many cannot. As a divorcee, I found her journey to regain confidence and find herself on this journey of solitude fascinating. I know what it’s like to hit rock bottom and be uncertain of how you’re going to pick up the pieces again. Gilbert essentially finds fulfillment through her stomach (Eat), her soul (Pray) and through romance (Love). Any story in which a once broken woman becomes happy, healthy and whole again will always be a winner for me.
I rated this one 4 stars. I look forward to watching the movie again in the near future now that I’ve read the book.